The Mysteries of Shampoo Bars

Coffee paper wrapped shampoo bars. Small orange shampoo bars and large charcoal shampoo bars are stacked to the side

Sustainability - How we reduce plastic use

This article discusses plastic's usefulness, its impacts on our environment, the challenges we face as a small business in being plastic free, and how we tackle it. We started Washla...

Sustainability - How we reduce plastic use

This article discusses plastic's usefulness, its impacts on our environment, the challenges we face as a small business in being plastic free, and how we tackle it. We started Washla...

Pumpkin carved up for halloween

What to do with leftover Pumpkin?

As Halloween approaches again, we want to change our focus on other areas where we can make a slight impact on reducing waste. Throughout the year, we are normally in...

What to do with leftover Pumpkin?

As Halloween approaches again, we want to change our focus on other areas where we can make a slight impact on reducing waste. Throughout the year, we are normally in...

A collection of refillable cereals and nuts from an eco shop

Zero Waste Shopping!

This has become super exciting to see how many of these zero waste, plastic free shops are popping up all over the UK. Hopefully becoming more popular and trendy.  Many...

Zero Waste Shopping!

This has become super exciting to see how many of these zero waste, plastic free shops are popping up all over the UK. Hopefully becoming more popular and trendy.  Many...

A young boy working outdoors with rubbish piled up around him

The need to reduce our plastics

Why is it so important to start reducing our plastic consumption? Plastic pollution. There are over 5 million tonnes of plastic used in the UK each year, and nearly half...

The need to reduce our plastics

Why is it so important to start reducing our plastic consumption? Plastic pollution. There are over 5 million tonnes of plastic used in the UK each year, and nearly half...